omg lesson#49: so you're into female supremacy...

i get it. it touches you in the all the warm feel good places. but keep in mind a few things, ok?

female supremacy is largely a male kink.

i know, seems counterintuitive, right? lots of women are feminists or egalitarians which means they are simply looking for equality. there are some women who are into inequality in different ways - either being 'put in their place' or being treated inferior to men as the weaker sex - or as superior to men and wanting to replace the patriarchy with the female version of said system (hint: that's not a matriarchy). but the ones looking to differentiate the sexes in extreme ways - either as inferior or superior - tend to be the minority.

observationally, what i've noticed online is the men into female supremacy are also raging misogynists.

and...i find many of the women who purport to be female supremacists, again observationally speaking, tend to be raging misandrists or they're catering to their male clients and are listed as pay for play or pro dommes or fin dommes.

now that i've gotten that out of the way, is it wrong or bad to like this particular kink? of course not. but just keep it to kink, please. don't go proselytizing and doing missionary work on it, ok? mostly b/c when men do identify as female supremacists, they demonstrate a posting history of misogynistic thought and we tend to avoid you like the plague. bad jujubes. i mean, you might get some hustlers, some pros, some fins catering to the kink b/c there's money to be made from indulging you in that, but really, most lifestyle dommes are going to give you a wide wide berth. if they are your target market, you might want to adapt.

how do you adapt from female supremacy to simply thinking women are fierce?

that's easy. first, not all women are fierce. not all women are kind. not all women are dominant. not all women are compatible with you. so just b/c they identify as dominant doesn't mean they share your penchant for supremacy or superiority. they want authority. power. control. in their relationships. simple as that.

secondly, some women will be absolutely fierce but not present that way to you. you may not find them intriguing, alluring, their personalities and looks may not be attractive to you. this means they are not compatible with you, not that they aren't fierce, dominant or awesome. incompatibility doesn't negate who they are.

incompatibility simply demonstrates they are not right for you.

with me so far? oh goody, let's carry on.

thirdly, some women appear powerful, competent, sexy as all get out. i would describe them as fierce. you might describe them as the women of your dreams. you still need to get to know them. the rose coloured glasses might come off. you might find they are already partnered and not looking for more. they might live in a land far far away. accept that sometimes, the fierce women of your dreams are not yours to have, claim, partner with. negging them; whining, begging and so on is not attractive. stop that.

graceful acceptance of a woman's 'no' can be a desirable trait to cultivate. if you don't have it, learn to start cultivating it. now. immediately. pronto. am i being clear here?

lastly, if you really really must have that female supremacy kink satisfied, consider the difficult path you have chosen for yourself. the simplest method to achieve this dream is to pay for it. in lieu of that, i would suggest being infinitely patient and prepared to walk the desert for the next 40 years and perhaps you may stumble across the promised land. but let me tell you, the land of female supremacists, has very very few women there to welcome you. just sayin'....

Sep 8, 2019


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